Octoberfest 2024: Thank You!

What is octoberfest?

St. Luke N.E.W. Life Center's Octoberfest was a great success! We couldn’t have done it without the help of our amazing sponsors, volunteers, employees, and most importantly, YOU, our generous donors! Thank you so much for contributing to this event that allows us to continue supporting the community of Flint.

the details

Octoberfest was on October 20th, 2024 from 12PM-3PM at Powers Catholic High School

We will see you next year!

Thank you to this year’s Title Sponsor: Brown Brothers Harriman!

We extend our deepest thanks to Brown Brothers Harriman for their incredible support as the Title Sponsor of Octoberfest. Their generosity and commitment made this year's event a tremendous success, bringing our community together for an unforgettable celebration.

Thank you, Brown Brothers Harriman, for helping us make Octoberfest 2024 a remarkable experience!

Want to be a part of octoberfest?

We are always looking for local businesses and individuals who are willing to donate items for our silent auction! These items help to benefit the programs and social enterprises of St. Luke N.E.W. Life Center. For more information, please email events@stlukenewlifecenter.com or Contact Us