After School Tutoring 

Enjoy free after school tutoring for your elementary-aged children! Strengthen skills in subjects such as math, reading, writing, social studies, science, and more!

A little boy in a green tee shirt sits at a table with a few other students working on completing a school assignment.

eligibility criteria

  • Elementary students in grades 1 - 6

  • Must have transportation to and from

hours of operation

Summer School: July 10th - August 4th, Monday through Friday from 9AM-12:30PM (Lunch included)

After School Tutoring: September - May, 3:30PM-4:45PM

want to sign up?

Contact us through phone or email, ask ask for Sr. Pat Magee!

want to help our after school tutoring program?

We are presently searching for people willing to make a monetary donation to our After School Tutoring Program. In order to keep our classroom ongoing, we rely on donations from people like you. Click below, Contact Us, or visit our Donate Page for more information.